É Inglês Que Fala

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English Contractions – Contrações de Palavras em Inglês

Veja abaixo uma lista de palavras contraídas em inglês:

ain’t am not
aren’t are not
can’t can not
could’ve could have
couldn’t could not
couldn’t’ve could not have
didn’t did not
doesn’t does not
don’t do not
gonna going to
hadn’t had not
hadn’t’ve had not have
hasn’t has not
haven’t have not
he’d he had / he would
he’d’ve he would have
he’ll he shall / he will
he’s he has / he is
he’sn’t he has not / he is not
how’d how did / how would
how’ll how will
how’s how has / how is / how does
I’d I had / I would
I’d’ve I would have
I’ll I shall / I will
I’m I am
I’ve I have
I’ven’t I have not
isn’t is not
it’d it had / it would
it’d’ve it would have
it’ll it shall / it will
it’s it has / it is
it’sn’t it has not / it is not
let’s let us
ma’am madam
mightn’t might not
mightn’t’ve might not have
might’ve might have
mustn’t must not
must’ve must have
needn’t need not
not’ve not have
o’clock of the clock
ol’ old
oughtn’t ought not
shan’t shall not
she’d she had / she would
she’d’ve she would have
she’ll she shall / she will
she’s she has / she is
she’sn’t she has not / she is not
should’ve should have
shouldn’t should not
shouldn’t’ve should not have
somebody’d somebody had / somebody would
somebody’d’ve somebody would have
somebody’dn’t’ve somebody would not have
somebody’ll somebody shall / somebody will
somebody’s somebody has / somebody is
someone’d someone had / someone would
someone’d’ve someone would have
someone’ll someone shall / someone will
someone’s someone has / someone is
something’d something had / something would
something’d’ve something would have
something’ll something shall / something will
something’s something has / something is
that’ll that will
that’s that has / that is
there’d there had / there would
there’d’ve there would have
there’re there are
there’s there has / there is
they’d they had / they would
they’dn’t they would not
they’dn’t’ve they would not have
they’d’ve they would have
they’d’ven’t they would have not
they’ll they shall / they will
they’lln’t’ve they will not have
they’ll’ven’t they will have not
they’re they are
they’ve they have
they’ven’t they have not
’tis it is
’twas it was
wanna want to
wasn’t was not
we’d we had / we would
we’d’ve we would have
we’dn’t’ve we would not have
we’ll we will
we’lln’t’ve we will not have
we’re we are
we’ve we have
weren’t were not
what’ll what shall / what will
what’re what are
what’s what has / what is / what does
what’ve what have
when’s when has / when is
where’d where did
where’s where has / where is / where does
where’ve where have
who’d who would / who had
who’d’ve who would have
who’ll who shall / who will
who’re who are
who’s who has / who is
who’ve who have
why’ll why will
why’re why are
why’s why has / why is
won’t will not
won’t’ve will not have
would’ve would have
wouldn’t would not
wouldn’t’ve would not have
y’all you all
y’all’d’ve you all would have
y’all’dn’t’ve you all would not have
y’all’ll you all will
y’all’lln’t you all will not
y’all’ll’ve you all will have
y’all’ll’ven’t you all will have not
you’d you had / you would
you’d’ve you would have
you’ll you shall / you will
you’re you are
you’ren’t you are not
you’ve you have
you’ven’t you have not

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